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The Hoax Theory / Re: Hoax? - Flag moves without being Touched
« Last post by Mag40 on Today at 09:23:59 AM »
Have got any rebuttal to the video I posted or are you going to agree with it?  If you don't agree, what physics do you present in this case?

When is he going to answer this? It's the same mission and pretty much a slam dunk as he puts it.
The Hoax Theory / Re: Hoax? - Sand Falls too Fast.
« Last post by Mag40 on Today at 09:16:12 AM »
Adhesion it is.
I'm afraid your goose is cooked. With every post you make on this little piece of footage you show how little you understand physics. And look at you wanting to close this "sand too fast" thread when you get your arse handed to you.

Adhesion is fine, it's what clumps the dust or sand together - it isn't a propelling force, it is an attractive force. It isn't the thing that lifts, it is the thing that makes more of the dust lift.

How can you not know this?

If you think this thread is going away you really have underestimated my resolve. I don't take kindly to misplaced arrogance from people who think they know better, when they prove within a few posts that they don't.

The post you made at the top of the page is not even entry-level Newtonian physics.

When things rise off the surface not connected to anything they are in free flight.

How can you not know this?

Your truly daft suggestion that adhesion is doing some sort of anti-gravity thingy is one of the dumbest things I've read on this subject.

And sadly for you it's there for all to see.

Now, suppose you start playing the 100% integrity card :

1. Provably, both my volleyball videos show the sand "falling too fast" or the reality, sand against sand, difficult to see and dispersing!? Admit it now please.

2. You've already conceded the parabola goes up to boot level, before you understood the implication, so no need to confirm that.

3. You've already confirmed the same for Cernan.

4. Can you see the shadow of the dust dispersal on the Young jump? Can you?

5. Can you see the slight ground discolouration as he lands? Again, can you?

6. Did you count the 3 synchronised soil impacts on the Cernan jump sequence? Irrefutable.

7. The main tenet of this thread is based on your inability to see grey regolith dispersing against grey regolith on grainy early-70s video! That is an absurd point of view for any scientist to start from.

8. The dust-flick from the side of his boot (adjusted for Earth speed) is an absurd >7m per second force and rising to 1.25m high. If you think that is on Earth you are delusional. Maybe the magic-clumpers all worked together ::)

I do not believe you don't get the significance of these clips. They prove that the footage must be in low gravity, all 3 of them. The continued absence of dust suspension in every single piece of EVA with astronauts, that shows clearly fine dust being kicked huge distances is, in itself, more than enough for any credible physicist to understand it is lower gravity and  vacuum.

The horse is dead when the website owner says it is. If you lack the balls to admit the obvious, that's not my problem. You can flounce, but everyone on this forum will know what you are about.

The Hoax Theory / Re: Najak's Posts
« Last post by ApolloEnthusiast on Today at 09:13:41 AM »
Just as @ApolloEnthusiast shared his "skepticism story" - he questioned, and then researched - and what did Google lead him to??  All of the bad/debunked MLH arguments -- which at first might sound compelling, but once you dig into them a bit - they fall apart.... and you end up with another Apollogist, for the wrong reasons...   Based on the Strawman technique, only there's no one around telling them the good arguments.   THIS is the mechanism by which Apollo maintains "the faith" for the vast majority.  It is dishonest, and skewed.
This is from a different thread, but I put it here so as not to interrupt Jay's attempt at educating you.

Please refrain from misrepresenting my lived experience. My research was not limited to Google, and nowhere did I indicate that it was. You also seem to believe that my conclusion that Apollo was real is based on faults in the hoax argument and not in the overwhelming affirmative evidence for all of the Moon landings. Once again, you project your desired result onto reality and ignore any possibility that the world doesn't work the way you think it works. But it is offensive to me that the months I spent doing actual research on this is reduced by you to "Google", and the conclusions I reached based on rigorous scrutiny of all the material I consumed is reduced by you to some awkward faith analogy based on disproving strawmen. You are really very insufferable.
The Hoax Theory / Re: Hoax? - Sand Falls too Fast.
« Last post by Mag40 on Today at 09:04:59 AM »
So, immediately you jumped and substituted vacuum for air to derive your first idea.  This truly shows how little you know about this subject.  My best advice to you is to man up and concede defeat, move onto other threads.
He cannot concede defeat, that is the problem. By conceding the totally obvious, it proves low gravity and just that one clip is game over.

Young can be measured and has been many times to be moving close enough to lunar freefall. Since the dust parabola must also be doing this, the footage needs to be speeded up by 245% to equate to terrestrial freefall. That is an irrefutable fact.
The Hoax Theory / Re: Hoax? - Sand Falls too Fast.
« Last post by Mag40 on Today at 08:59:43 AM »
How many times do you want to beat this dead horse?
The horse isn't dead, only your integrity is. You claim you understand physics and are repeating once more this absurd sticky sand and ignoring clear rebuttal to it!

You wrote: "It is merely an attractive force between particles."...
I also wrote this:
Basically your statement says, the person jumping at x metres per second squared has stuff that sticks to their boot moving at x metres per second squared. The resistant bit is what exactly? Friction.

Is this guy suggesting he knows what he is talking about now?
Top layer of dust sticks to the boot (entrenched in the treads) - the next layer sticks to this dust stuck to the boot, and so on.
That is some seriously dumb HB "physics". It is extremely irrelevant given what we are actually seeing. The "next layer" is attracting the layer above downwards in the same way it is attracted upwards. There is NO propelling force here.

Oh the irrelevant bit?

The bloody parabola isn't doing any of that, it is in independent flight with no force acting on it except gravity.

As you said it's an "Attractive Force" - which in this case will be an Upward force
Bollocks. In this case it will be a force pulling in all directions and once off of the ground subject only to gravity. What brainless world do you keep suggesting it is upwards?
pulling the dust upwards to stay stuck to the boot
And equally being pulled the other way by dust below.
for a short period of time.
The adhesive force is an attractive force within the dust, independent of the force that caused it to rise - already identified.
During that time, it exerts this force that you recognized.
Recognized as an attractive force that is in independent flight!
I get that you won't accept any conclusion that implies your precious Apollo was not real.  This is also how religions work.
Your pathetic comparisons with religion again? This is not about my "precious Apollo" is is about getting somebody to understand their repetitive physics blunders. I am positive you understand and are just doing this to avoid concession.
Lets be done here with THIS TOPIC.   We'll just have to agree to disagree -- which is normal in a debate.  When's the last time you watched a "televised debate" and one of the debaters caved and agreed with the other??
You want to cowardly skulk away without acknowledging the obvious.

However, in the process, I now understand the nature of the opposing views much better.  And Readers of this thread can now decide for themselves which side of the debate seems more compelling.
You have demonstrated that you will do anything, post any old bollocks rather than admit something that, all on its own, proves they are in low gravity.

There are numerous points raised that you have weaselled out of answering.
How about we ask AI?

Friction plays a crucial role in the sand rising alongside a person jumping on the beach. Here's how:

1. Downward Force and Compression: When a person jumps, their weight exerts a downward force on the sand. This force compresses the sand beneath their feet, displacing it downwards.

2. Friction Between Sand Particles: As the sand is compressed, friction between the individual sand particles resists this displacement. This resistance causes some of the sand particles to be pushed upwards and outwards, creating a small cloud around the person's feet.

3. Rebound and Upward Force: The compression and subsequent release of pressure due to the jump create a rebound effect. This upward force, combined with the frictional resistance, propels the sand particles upwards.

4. Air Resistance: As the sand particles rise, they encounter air resistance. This resistance slows down the upward motion of the particles, causing them to eventually fall back to the ground.

5. Therefore, friction plays a crucial role in both the initial displacement of the sand and its subsequent upward motion. It's the interplay between the downward force, the frictional resistance between sand particles, the rebound effect, and air resistance that results in the sand rising alongside the person's jump.

The Hoax Theory / Re: Najak's Posts
« Last post by Jason Thompson on Today at 08:46:07 AM »
Thought I'd poke my head in here and saw that there is some activity. Thought it might be fun. But frankly my tolerance for this has hit rock bottom lately so I'll just say how tedious it is to see the same hoary old s**t brought up again by someone who thinks that in all this time they're the ones with the insight to uncover the hoax.

For the love of Christ, it's been 55 f***ing years since Apollo 11, and over 20 even since I started looking at this stuff. The material being 'analysed' has been seen by literally millions of people at all levels of age, education and experience, and these tired old arguments based on it looking a bit off to someone with no actual expertise in the field are now so boring I can't even be bothered to debunk them for the umpteenth time.
The Hoax Theory / Re: Conclusive Proof the Moon Landings were Faked
« Last post by Peter B on Today at 08:35:47 AM »
Feel free to explain how these scientists don't know what they're talking about, or accept that people collected those rocks from the surface of the Moon.
Thank you for responding.  For me, you just illustrated that even the Apollogists here, do not see an issue with the hyperbole claims of the Apollogy.

The evidence that remains to substantiate these claims is miniscule.   Honeysuckle has 67 second audio clip which simply matches... where is the chain-of-custody for this audio clip?   And how do we know it was broadcast directly from the S-Band of the LM on the surface of the moon?   - we don't.

Where are the S-Band transmission tapes themselves?  Gone.   With all of the rest of the source tapes.

The dirty details behind each claim are not noted...  purposefully skewing the "claim" to make it seem far more substantial than it truly is.

Claim -- "thousands of Amateurs witnessed it" -- we have ONE -- Larry Baysinger and his friend, for 30 minutes.   They CLAIM.  Where are these recordings?  How many witnesses claimed to hear these recordings?  ZERO, AFAIK...     This is ALL of the evidence that back up that BIG CLAIM.

I'll stop here.  You confirmed for me that the basis upon which this Apollo Religion was founded, is a exaggerations with much less substantiation than most people know. 

Apollogists are not motivated to be Truthful - they are motivated to be "Convincing" -- and so accept without question/concern - the skewed/exaggerations that support their beliefs/religion.

That's a lot of words to not address either the Soviets or the rocks.

If Apollo was faked, either: NASA fooled the Soviets, in which case you need to explain how; or the Soviets knew Apollo was fake and said nothing, in which case you need to explain why. Or maybe I'm wrong somehow, and there's a third alternative I've missed, in which case you need to explain what.

And as I've already pointed out, the scientists who've studied the Apollo rocks can explain how they know the rocks must be from the Moon, can't be fake, can't be from Earth, can't be lunar meteorites and can't have been collected by unmanned sample retriever missions. To that end, here is a link to an interview of Australian scientist Ross Taylor, who was invited by NASA to be involved in the study of the Apollo 11 rocks:

Russia validated our rocks, then we validated theirs -- "hey, they look the same".  By May 1972, we were fully allied with Russia to collaborate moving forward on joint missions.   Just because the "mainstream narrative says Cold War" doesn't mean this is the actual case.  To presume you know what goes on behind closed doors at the top level -- is a stretch.   "Cold War & Fear - Communism" - gives the govt the right to spend a lot more money to "Protect us" while giving out profitable contracts to their cronies ... Apollo was in part driven by this fear of Russia gaining airspace/missile dominance.  I don't presume to "know" -- but instead admit "we don't really know".

Yes, I suspected you'd take the third option, and that it would be some version of the "Cold War is Fake" meme.

If you're serious about applying a "we don't really know" attitude to the historiography of the Cold War, then that suggests to me that you're comfortable with the idea of adding the entire history profession to the engineers and scientists you've so far challenged the integrity of.

But is that really the case? Do you seriously believe "we don't really know" about the nature of the Cold War? What about other events in history? World War Two? The Tunguska Event? Caesar's Conquest of Gaul?

Many moon rocks can be found at the South Pole,

I've already pointed out we can tell the difference between the Apollo rocks and lunar meteorites. The difference is so obvious that anyone with normal eyesight who is given a tray of five Apollo rocks and five lunar meteorites would be able to correctly sort them.

where Von Braun went in 1967... to gather moon rocks.

Why would you send a rocket engineer to gather moon rocks? Especially when lunar meteorites as a category weren't identified until more than 10 years later.

Radiate them a bit, and poof, they "look like moon rocks" because they are....   How could you tell the difference?

Saying this can only mean you're completely unaware of the differences between Earth rocks and Apollo rocks (and lacking in knowledge about radiation for that matter). Are you going to read the Taylor interview I linked for you? Or are you going to show some of that integrity you claim for yourself and admit that (a) it's possible for people to know of these differences, and (b) you don't actually know what those differences are?

"Especially when most of those to investigate were "chosen/selected".  Do you think them saying "nah, this ain't a moon rock" would have been accepted any better than someone today saying "nah, look at that Rocket accelerating too fast -- this can't be real" - these guys get shat upon.   And in their case, would likely lose their job.

If you'd bothered to read the Taylor interview, you'd know some of the differences between Earth rocks and the Apollo rocks, and you might have an inkling of just how fundamental they are. In that case, you'd realise why there'd be no need for a scientist to have to make a pretense that they were different.

Aside from that -- using real moon rock from Antarctica where the cold freezes/preserves them better -- how could a scientist identify it as fake?

I refer to my earlier statement about a tray of five lunar meteorites and five Apollo rocks. Have a think about the ways they might differ from each other.

Moon Scientists all have one thing in common -- they are funded through grants, from the government.   You don't bite the hand that feeds you.  Just ask Thomas Baron.

What exactly do you mean when you say "the government"? The US government? If so, do you seriously think that only USAnian scientists can study the Apollo rocks? If not, then how can the US government possibly affect what non-USAnian scientists say about the rocks?

That's the website to use when you want to request a lunar sample for research. Feel free to point out where "the government" has any say in it, especially for non-USAnian scientists.
The Hoax Theory / Re: Hoax? - Sand Falls too Fast.
« Last post by bknight on Today at 08:32:54 AM »
I've played the "revision game" with AI too - and have been able to get it to say stuff that agrees with me.   What I just typed in the simple question "why does sand ruse
Since you want Google AI to be the source, here it is:

Google AI, "why does sand rise with your boot when you jump?"

And it answered:
"When you jump, you create a sudden downward force on the sand. This force pushes the sand grains apart, creating small pockets of air between them. As you leave the ground, the air pressure beneath your boot increases, forcing the sand grains upwards into these pockets. This upward force is what causes the sand to rise with your boot."

Air pressure is the answer.

OR -- Google AI is not a good place for conclusions.

This was FIRST TRY -- I didn't need to give it suggestions or hints at the answer I was looking for - this is what Google AI thinks, in it's immense wisdom.
So, immediately you jumped and substituted vacuum for air to derive your first idea.  This truly shows how little you know about this subject.  My best advice to you is to man up and concede defeat, move onto other threads.
The Hoax Theory / Re: Hoax? - Flag moves without being Touched
« Last post by ApolloEnthusiast on Today at 08:01:37 AM »
My thesis here is that we have a hypothesis in the Earth's atmosphere that can explain these movements.  But as of yet, there has been no hypothesis that fully explains these motions in the context of the Moon.

Conclude from that what you will.   This specific thesis remains Un-Refuted.  You are free to explain this as "surely something reasonable happened, because I know Apollo landed men on the moon because of A, B, C... X, Y, Z".  That's your prerogative.

This is the problem with cherry picking at minutiae. The fact that this occurred on the Moon 100% refutes your hypothesis that the flag moved because it was on Earth. In order to substantiate your hypothesis that air currents on Earth are responsible for moving the flag, it is your burden to disprove all of the evidence that indicates the flag was on the Moon. You don't want to do that. You want to conclude that, because you can't find a reason for the flag to move on the Moon, that a dozen eyewitnesses, hundreds of corroborating support staff, thousands of engineers, hundreds of thousands of other employees, all worked together to fake hours of video, hundreds of pounds of lunar material, hundreds of hours of radio signals and telemetry, and countless other necessary components to secure the hoax. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad that you seriously believe this is a logical and rational thought process.
As with your other threads, you have had perfectly reasonable explanations for the behaviour you've identified.

Not hypothesis, explanation.

The problem isn't that those explanations aren't correct, it's that you don't like them. In expressing your disagreement you've also exposed your lack of knowledge and understanding about Apollo hardware and processes, and displayed an attitude that us really not likely to persuade anyone in charge of the forum to do you any favours.

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