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Forum notifications

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LO I have the current radiation thread marked as notify, whoever I haven't received a notification.  Is the new server ignoring the notifications?

Hmm. I'll have to test that.

Same problem for me.  No notifications for any posts for quite some time now.
I checked and for some reason it was set to notify me only of moderation but I've changed it to replies and moderation and no change that I've seen.

I think I've fixed it.

The forum was using a address to send the notification emails. That worked with the old host but for some reason it doesn't seem to work with the new host. I changed the notifications so that they are now coming from a address, and I got a notification from the Radiation topic at 10pm.

Let me know if you're still not receiving the notifications.


--- Quote from: LunarOrbit on April 07, 2018, 10:27:36 PM ---I think I've fixed it.

The forum was using a address to send the notification emails. That worked with the old host but for some reason it doesn't seem to work with the new host. I changed the notifications so that they are now coming from a address, and I got a notification from the Radiation topic at 10pm.

Let me know if you're still not receiving the notifications.

--- End quote ---
I got the notification for your post so it looks good.  Thank you.


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