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The forum appears to allow me admin controls

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At the bottom of the page for the tread I started are controls for to "lock topic" and "remove topic."  This may be a default setting for the software but in light of the Playdor event, I don't think we want that control to be available to every thread originator. 


--- Quote from: Echnaton on February 13, 2012, 05:02:37 AM ---At the bottom of the page for the tread I started are controls for to "lock topic" and "remove topic."  This may be a default setting for the software but in light of the Playdor event, I don't think we want that control to be available to every thread originator.

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Hmm. I'll have to take a good look at the settings. You're right that we don't want just anyone to be able to delete threads.

The software allows for post removal too, as was successfully done with the  announcement of using the lock thread button.   Is there a way to put a time limit on editing or deleting old posts?  We've had a few revisionist on the forum in the past as well.

This post also serves as my notice of using the unlock thread feature.


--- Quote from: LunarOrbit on February 13, 2012, 07:58:03 AM ---You're right that we don't want just anyone to be able to delete threads.

--- End quote ---

I can't imagine that you want to give up your practically God like control over hoax believers.  8)  Although maybe it is more of a demi-god stance or perhaps just a being a demiurge. 

I've removed your God-like abilities. ;)

Thanks for pointing out that hole in the forum permissions.


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