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Kids say the darnedest things...

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So Eva my granddaughter (shown in the above image) says that her class is going to sing Christmas Carols at an old age pensioners retirement home. So her younger brother, Harry pipes up, “Are you going to granddads house then?” I can go off my grandchildren 🤣😂

Peter B:
School holidays...

13YOS: There's only two things I want to do at the moment.

11YOD: Stay in bed and watch TV?


13YOS: There's only four things I want to do at the moment.

Peter B:
13YOS and I are painting some miniature figurines (from the boardgame 'Talisman').

Mum walks in.

13YOS: Hi Mum, we're painting these figurines.

Mum (rolling her eyes): Yes, I can see that.

Me: Ah yes, his special subject today is 'The Bleeding Obvious'.

16YOS walks in and looks at us.

16YOS: What are you doing?

Peter B:
Wife and I went to a school assembly yesterday at our local primary school (Kindergarten to Year 6) as 11YOD was to receive an award. Awards are normally presented by Principal and a senior teacher (let's call her Ms Brown). However, this time was different.

Principal: You might notice Ms Brown isn't here today, kids. Do you know where she is?

Kids: No.

Principal: She's gone to school for adults today! Can you guess what she's learning to do today?

Kids yell out all sorts of answers.

One kid: Your job?

Peter B:
There's a teacher (let's call him Mr Smith) at 11YOD's school my wife and I have a bit of a problem with. He's a nice enough person, but from things 11YOD and 14YOS have said over the years, we've had to correct several misconceptions he's taught in class.

11YOD is fairly mature, and has had enough contact with Mr Smith to provide a considerably more withering assessment of his apparent failings as a teacher.

Anyway, a month ago 11YOD went on her school's two-night Year 6 camp. One of the activities the kids experienced was throwing a spear with a woomera (spear thrower). The instructor had a suggestion to help their aim.

Instructor: Pretend you're throwing the spear at your big brother.

11YOD (muttering): Or Mr Smith.

11YOD's teacher (rolling her eyes): I'll pretend I didn't hear that.


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