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General Discussion / Polaris Dawn
« Last post by Peter B on September 15, 2024, 11:56:48 PM »
Does anyone have any information about the modifications to the Dragon Capsule for this mission?

I get the impression there must have been at least two cameras, one of them on some sort of boom to allow the longer shots of the astronauts in the hatch, and possibly a light with the camera? But my (fairly brief) searching hasn't uncovered anything.

Thank you!
The Reality of Apollo / Re: Apollo 11 and 17 imaged by South Korea
« Last post by onebigmonkey on September 09, 2024, 12:41:10 PM »
And yet more - an oblique Apollo 15 and 2 Apollo 12s :)
The Reality of Apollo / Re: Some light reading - Apollo 16 PSR
« Last post by bknight on September 07, 2024, 12:31:30 PM »
Expensive.  :(
The Reality of Apollo / Re: Apollo 11 and 17 imaged by South Korea
« Last post by onebigmonkey on September 06, 2024, 12:48:35 PM »
But wait, there's more: two beautiful shots of Apollo 15's LM taken in August last year on successive orbits.
The Reality of Apollo / Re: Some light reading - Apollo 16 PSR
« Last post by onebigmonkey on September 04, 2024, 11:18:33 AM »
The Reality of Apollo / Some light reading - Apollo 16 PSR
« Last post by TimberWolfAu on September 04, 2024, 06:55:30 AM »
Had some light reading turn up today.

I've got the PSR's in PDF format, but there's something satisfying about 'dead tree' versions.
The Reality of Apollo / Re: Apollo 11 and 17 imaged by South Korea
« Last post by onebigmonkey on September 03, 2024, 01:36:05 PM »
Another update from South Korea, with another nice view of Apollo 14 :)

Iroically, he appears incapable of thinking for himself. Here's the same article, more or less:

Well, definitely less:

This is the initial abridged version of a more comprehensive technical article. David Percy, the editor of, added quite significantly to the longer version. I am also indebted to Mr. James Ward for  drawing my attention to the Apollo handles in an email exchange.  I have decided that this will be my final ‘word’ on the Apollo missions.

(my emphasis).

He's regurgitated other Apollo theories elsewhere:

I use regurgitate deliberately - he seems to just recycle the works of others and doesn't have an original thought in his head. Let's hope he's true to his word and shuts up about it.
Dr Garcia first came to my attention in the magazine New Dawn Special Issue Vol. 18 No. 4, which I bought because it includes the Apollo moonlandings - one of my top favourite subjects - and has an article about Elon Musk.

The four-page article "Celestial Deceptions: The Apollo Conspiracy Unmasked", was written by Dr Garcia, who in referring to Apollo 11 mentions "...the three people who allegedly first set foot on the hitherto unreachable Moon..." so is perhaps implying that Michael Collins deserted the command module and hitched a ride to the surface in the lunar module.

The magazine's website says that New Dawn is "for people who think for themselves", so here's the link:

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